Serving: 3 – 3.5 quarts | Type: Sweets
Whole Samba Wheat | -2 cup |
Water | -8 cups + more for grinding the wheat |
Sugar | -6 cups |
Salt | -1 pinch |
Ghee | -1 ½ to 2 cup |
Sugar | -5 tbsp |
Ghee | -3 tbsp |
- Soaked Samba Wheat
- Wheat ground with water
- Strain the ground mixture
- Discard the ground
- Keep the liquid wheat milk and allow it segregate
- Discard the the clear liquid on top
- Keep the sedimentation in the bottom
- Add water
- Mix it well together
- Heat in a pan until it thickens
- Transfer to slow cooker
- Caramalize the sugar
- Sugar caramelized to brown color
- Pour the caramel over the wheat mixture and mix
- Ready to eat!
- Soak the samba wheat overnight.
- The next day, grind the wheat with water and strain the ground wheat.
- Keep the liquid extract (wheat milk) and discard the wheat ground.
- Keep the wheat milk extract in a cool place overnight.
- The next morning the wheat milk will have segregated where there will be clear liquid on the top and thick milk that has settled to the bottom.
- Carefully discard the clear liquid on the top and keep the milk in the bottom.
- Then to the wheat milk add 8 cups of water and mix it well.
- Heat a deep non-stick pan on medium heat and add the wheat milk mixture.
- Heat the mixture for 10 minutes or until it thickens.
- Then transfer the thicken mixture to a slow cooker.
- Next add the sugar and salt and mix it well.
- Allow to cook in high heat.
- Meanwhile, in a non-stick pan heated to medium heat, add about 5 tbsp of sugar and 3 tbsp of ghee for making the caramel.
- Mix it until sugar melts and become brown.
- Then add this caramelized sugar to the mixture in the slow cooker.
- Let the mixture cook and thicken up in the slow cooker for about 10-18 hours depending on the type of slow cooker.
- Half way through the cooking, add half of the ghee.
- When the halwa is all the way done, add rest of the ghee and mix it until it is very glossy.
- To verify if the halwa is completely cooked, when you touch the halwa it should not stick to your hands.
- Turn off the heat and serve it warm.
- In traditional Irruttu Kadai Halwa there are no cashews or cardamom powder. However, if you really wanted it you can add it after step 17.
- If you cannot find Samba whole wheat, you can add cracked wheat which is easily found in all Indian stores.
- For 1 cup of cracked wheat that you soak, you need to add 2 cups of water to the wheat milk.
- If you have a slow cooker option in your rice cooker, it will probably cook the halwa much faster than traditional slow cooker/crock-pot. Therefore keep an eye on it.
- If you want to place the halwa in the fridge, add a few drops of lemon juice after adding half of the ghee. This will help prevent the sugar from crystallizing after it has been refrigerated.